
Patriotic Song Competition

Patriotic Song Competition

07 Aug, 2024

"When music and patriotism blend, the result is a powerful chorus of unity and pride." Sagar Vidya Niketan hosted an exhilarating Inter-House Patriotic Song Competition on 07.08.24 aimed at fostering national pride and unity among students. The event commenced with a stirring rendition of the national anthem. Each house— Sandipani, Vashishtha, Brihaspati and Valmiki —delivered captivating performances of iconic patriotic songs like हमारी पहचान हमारी संस्कृति है, और हमारी संस्कृति की रक्षा करना हमारा कर्तव्य है, जयतु जननी जन्मभूमिः पुण्यभुवनं भारतं जयतु, भारत की महानता, हमारे गर्व की निशानी, जय जय प्यारा भारत देश radiating unique energy and creativity. Vashishtha House emerged victorious, followed by Brihaspati, Valmiki and Sandipani house. The competition was a symphony of voices, each echoing the timeless love for our country, stirring our hearts and uniting our voices in celebration. Through their performances, the students not only showcased their talents but also their unwavering dedication to the nation. It reminds us that we are bound by more than borders; we are united by shared dreams and aspirations." The enthusiastic participation and overwhelmingly positive feedback highlighted the event's profound impact and its vital place in our school calendar.