
Visit by Mr. Yashpal Solanki - Arjuna Awardee

Visit by Mr. Yashpal Solanki - Arjuna Awardee

28 Jan, 2024

“The first thing in judo you learn is not how to throw, it is to learn how to fall and get up again.” It was a moment of great honour and pride when Mr. Yashpal Solanki, Judoka, Arjuna Awardee and National Judo Coach visited our school and motivated the students. In his address, he emphasised upon the importance of physical fitness and urged students to involve themselves in some form of activities, games or sports on a consistent basis. Quoting from his own life and the life of many national players, he exemplified that discipline and determination can help one achieve their desired destination. He concluded by setting a target for students to become capable enough to give back to the society what they have received from them and to serve the motherland in all the ways and means one can.